The 48-year-old Phetole Selepe, from Dan Village outside Tzaneen in Limpopo, South Africa claims he is Jesus Christ and was sent by the ancestors to save the world.

He has been living on the banks of the Letaba River since 2004, where he conducts his rituals.

The local municipality has failed to evict him and he has been arrested more than eight times. But he is "untouchable" because apparently he is being protected by a mamolapo, a large water snake.

He believes he can bring people back from the dead and will one day lead his people to Canaan and wash away their sins. Phetole doesn't have an ID document because he has "many identities".

He said he uses one of his names, Molalatladi, to control the world, blocking people's progress if they don't follow his orders. He said he realised he was Jesus in 1999!

"I was ordered to leave my family and come here to help the lost and suffering. I'm not allowed to fall in love with a woman and I can only eat bread, fish and bananas. I want the government to turn the place I'm living in into a museum. I tried engaging the municipality about this and told them I can give power to senior officials in the government. I'm carrying the spirits of all the people who died in horrible accidents," he said.

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